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Cataloxy Des Moines...Jobs in Des MoinesCompany jobs DeAngelo Contracting Services (Hazleton)Branch Manager

Job Branch Manager

ID: 1147899   0

Branch Manager, Des Moines

Salary range: $90859 per year

Summary information

Position: Branch Manager
Published: 01/28/2025. Relevant to: 02/24/2025
Categories: Engineering/Math
Job type: full time
Gender: any
  Job from partner

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Description of the job

Job Description

Our growing brand is looking for an experienced and talented Branch Manager to oversee the daily operations of our diverse vegetation management divisions, including Railroad, DOT, and IVM. DeAngelo Contracting Services (DCS) seeks a motivated, dedicated, and responsive individual with expertise in sales, project management, customer relationship development, job costing, budget management, and employee training. The ideal candidate will also have a strong background in asset utilization management.


  • Manage contracts, including purchasing, chemical and supply needs, and inventory.
  • Collaborate with the garage manager to ensure all trucks and equipment are in good order and meet contract specifications.
  • Schedule jobs with customers, track deadlines, and ensure all team members are properly licensed.
  • Review contract production, ensuring specifications and goals are met while controlling costs.
  • Ensure compliance with state and federal regulations specific to each job.
  • Handle documentation, record-keeping, approvals, and P&L statements.
  • Summarize contract management activities and report to the General Manager.
  • Hire, train, and develop team members, offering career growth opportunities through reviews and skills training.
  • Develop a new sales pipeline and follow up on existing customers and bids.
  • Travel is required, and managers are expected to be in the field throughout the season.
  • Report all sales activities to the General Manager.


  • Familiarity with railroad property is a plus.
  • Knowledge of grass, weed, brush, and tree types.
  • Familiarity with herbicides and their uses.
  • Expertise in various spraying methods and equipment.
  • Experience in equipment calibration.
  • Understanding pumps, spray heads, guns, nozzles, booms, etc.
  • Proficiency in mechanical vegetation management methods.
  • Safe use and maintenance of small tools (weed eaters, chainsaws) and large equipment (mowers, brush cutters).
  • Experience in trash, debris, and encampment clean-up.
  • Commitment to safety and security of crews.

About the company DeAngelo Contracting Services

DCS provides safe, reliable transportation infrastructure solutions using experienced industry professionals, advanced technologies, and state of the art fleet Details»

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